Garden Beds
We see an increasing future to bring both design and function to our landscapes and we want to lead you there. Enjoy the fruit of easier labor with the installation of garden beds ready for you to plant.
Why consider a garden bed?
Whether its your own back yard or the development of a commercial space a garden bed can not only become an attractive focal point but bring function into design.
We believe landscaping isn’t just for the eye but for all the senses to enjoy! The more we intertwine with our outdoor spaces the more we yearn to invest in our health and home value.
What to expect.
Garden beds take planning and we can help! Select your garden bed from wooden, metal or stone and through onsite consultation we can help select size and location to best accommodate the design, aesthetic and success of your raised garden beds.
Not all yards are created equal and between your interest to grow your own food or flowers and the space provided will dictate the size and location. Sun and shade is another factor to consider and may ultimately limit what you are able to grow.
Our team can meet on site to combine both your interest with our experience to make your gardening experience last more than a season!
Pricing will vary from prep work, material and size.